
20 Years Old US Healthcare Services Provider Made Salesforce File Management a Walk in the Park with XfilesPro

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20 Years Old US Healthcare Services Provider Made Salesforce File Management a Walk in the Park with XfilesPro
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Our customer is one of the most established healthcare services providers in Columbia and is a long visionary when it comes to advanced and seamless workflow. Although they were leading very streamlined operations within Salesforce, they foresaw the future roadblocks that the growing number of files could create within the CRM application. 

So, they decided to take preventive measures against this. 

The intelligent solution the customer had figured out was to move Salesforce files to SharePoint, which already has been in use. However, finding a top-notch solution for such a requirement was difficult.  

That’s the time when they heard about XfilesPro and reached out to us to meet their file management needs in Salesforce. To know how XfilesPro migrated their growing Salesforce files to their SharePoint without the need for an integration tool, fill out the form on the left side and read the success story.