As data & data storage management in Salesforce is more complex & takes away most of the limelight, Salesforce files & file storage management may not seem like the most glamorous topic in the Salesforce workspace. But it’s one of the most important & enterprises that must pay more attention to it. As users need to access & work on files every day, they need to consider certain aspects like file storage usage, scalability, file security, version control, regulatory compliance, &  most importantly file storage costs.  

Salesforce users often encounter several roadblocks on their way towards efficient file management in Salesforce. The main reason behind this is the limitations of the primary file storage allotted by Salesforce that make the process of file management far too challenging. In this article, we will discuss the top four file management challenges faced by enterprises, especially when they have a large volume of files & documents in their Salesforce app.

Difficult File Management in Multi-cloud Environments 

According to a recent report, 93% of enterprises today are considering multi-cloud deployment as a key element of their cloud adoption. Even enterprises that leverage the Salesforce cloud platform to run their business choose to deploy several other cloud systems as well as third-party AppExchange solutions to extend their existing capabilities. These multi-cloud strategies, though beneficial & lucrative, pose various difficulties in terms of complexity, security, visibility, and—perhaps the most challenging of all—management, especially file management. 

Read More: Why is XfilesPro the Most Comprehensive File Management Solution for Salesforce?

Most Salesforce customers, using multi-cloud deployments, often find themselves struggling with proper management of files, especially when there’s a large volume of files in the Org. While it might not sound like a big issue in small-scale deployments (where fewer cloud solutions are involved), enterprises may have to look for robust collaboration solutions that offer visibility & control over their Salesforce files in big-scale deployments.  

Inadequate File Visibility & Accessibility

One inherent challenge faced by Salesforce users having a large volume of files & documents in the primary file storage is the lack of complete control over those files. This becomes an even greater issue if they are using a multi-cloud strategy because then synchronization between storage systems in different cloud platforms becomes difficult. All these reasons make viewing & accessing the files stored in Salesforce more difficult & demanding. 

Problems with File Collaboration

For most enterprises using the Salesforce cloud platform to run their business, the main idea behind using its collaboration feature is to enable their users (both internal & community users) to share, edit, & view files & documents in real-time. But since Salesforce was designed as a collaborative platform, the collaboration services it offers are limited. 

Read More: World’s #1 Machine Vision System Manufacturer Digitized it’s Salesforce File Management with XfilesPro

Also worth noting is the fact that when an enterprise possesses less number of files, it’s still easy to collaborate among teams & work smoothly. But as the volume of files in the Salesforce file storage increases, it becomes increasingly challenging to seamlessly collaborate among different teams & keep track of the changes made in the files. It even becomes difficult to maintain complete control over the file-sharing settings, including dictating who has viewing, editing, & collaboration rights over the Salesforce files. Even file versioning becomes challenging, leaving users unsure of which document version to consider as the final version.

Reduced Document Processing Speed

In this era of rapid digital transformation, enterprises deal with various documents on a daily basis, be it invoice quotes, contracts, healthcare records, purchase orders, legal documents, pdf files, invoices, & much more. Typically these documents go through the activity of document processing (scanning documents, extracting data, validating it, making corrections, & manually updating the relevant fields) before being loaded into Salesforce as attachments & being integrated into day-to-day business operations.

But when the organization deals with a large volume of files & documents, the speed of document processing is reduced drastically as it requires a lot of human resources & is a time-consuming task. Even when companies use intelligent document processing techniques to automate the entire process, there’s a fair chance that key business opportunities may be lost while the processing takes place. 

How XfilesPro can help

XfilesPro is an excellent platform to help enterprises struggling with the seamless management of files & documents in their Salesforce system. This file management & external collaboration application is designed especially for Salesforce & aims to help users resolve any & all challenges they may have. Leveraging the app, users can easily migrate their important files from Salesforce to any cloud (SharePoint, AWS S3, Google Drive, OneDrive, Dropbox, etc) or on-premise storage of their choice.  

Check out the product datasheet here.

Even when the files no longer reside in the Salesforce file storage, file accessibility & visibility are not the least bit affected. Users can easily view, access, download, & edit the files anytime they require. The application supports seamless collaboration between the storage systems & performs well in a multi-cloud environment also as it brings together files stored in different platforms to store them in the chosen external storage. Along with this, the app also optimizes the file storage, improves the ROI by 3X+, supports community user management, & simplifies compliance.

To understand how XfilesPro can help you overcome the challenges we explained above or any other particular challenge you may have, please get in touch with our experts. You can also schedule a quick demo with us to see the app in action.