If you had done some amount of research on top integration options for Salesforce in the context of file management, you would have seen a common name in all the findings – Google Drive, the popular cloud-based file storage. And, the other name that tops the list as the best integration tool for both platforms would be XfilesPro.

Have you ever wondered why these platforms are a match made in heaven when it comes to Salesforce file management? There are certain functionalities that keep XfilesPro a cut above the rest of the integration tools for Salesforce.

Before delving deeper into it, let’s take a look at XfilesPro.

The #1 File Management App for Salesforce

As your Salesforce files grow in high volumes, XfilesPro addresses this challenge by automatically moving the files from the CRM platform to your preferred external storage, which is Google Drive. The file migration helps to optimize your file storage space and experience an enhanced and seamless workflow in Salesforce. The other external storage platforms that XfilesPro supports are SharePoint, OneDrive, AWS S3, and On-premise platforms.

Learn more about Salesforce-Google Drive integration for file storage in this datasheet:

Now, let’s look into the top six factors that make users choose Google Drive as an external repository for their migrated Salesforce files.

  • More Space Than A Clown Car

By leveraging XfilesPro’s file migration capability between Salesforce and Google Drive, you shall be granted a prestigious golden ticket to an expansive storage capacity inside the latter. This will ultimately eradicate the need to continuously procure additional Salesforce file storage space from Salesforce, thereby saving precious time and resources.

  • Keep Your Files in One Place, Unlike Your Socks

Salesforce files are just like a pair of socks. Only that you don’t get a hold of them at the right time. However, with XfilesPro, you can arrange your files in proper folders (a functionality that Salesforce doesn’t provide) in Google Drive in a way that makes sense to your business. So, it’s no longer a big hurdle to access or search files. Folder structure in Salesforce- an advanced functionality provided by XfilesPro to arrange files in specific folders in Google Drive

  • Unidirectional Movement? No, Thanks

It’s time to stop worrying about the syncing of the files. With the help of XfilesPro’s Bi-sync functionality, you can sync your Google Drive files with respective records in Salesforce and vice-versa. So, you can rest assured that your workflow is streamlined.

  • The Art Of Collaboration

XfilesPro has enabled better collaboration and more efficient file management, allowing both your internal teams and external users to collaborate on files in real-time in the Google Drive location. This is a great step toward ensuring a highly efficient workflow with no waiting period for a modified file from another employee or user. Salesforce file collaboration with XfilesPro - an Ability to collaborate on files in real-time in Google Drive

  • File Security Like Never Before

XfilesPro understands the users’ concerns regarding the security of their files. The application ensures that your migrated files from Salesforce are highly secured in Google Drive. With XfilesPro’s Access Control capability, you can control who can view and access your files in Google Drive, helping you safeguard them from unauthorized users.

  • Budget-friendly Fix

Integrating Salesforce with Google Drive with the power of XfilesPro, you are going to save pennies.

Curious to know how? Firstly, through the integration and file migration between both platforms, XfilesPro eliminates the need to purchase additional storage space from Salesforce, which is higher in charge. Secondly, as XfilesPro doesn’t require an extra connector (which comes with a price) to establish the integration, you’re again saving money. So, it’s a double win!

Discover the easiest way to integrate Salesforce with Google Drive in this eBook.

Wrapping Up

Hope you learned why Google Drive is one of the most recommended choices as a repository for migrated Salesforce files. If you’re pondering integrating the cloud storage platform with Salesforce and finding XfilesPro is the right app to get hands-on, schedule a demo with one of our product experts to learn more.

Build the Bridge Between Salesforce and Google Drive

Integrate Your Salesforce and Google Drive for an Uncomplicated Document Management Experience
Document Management Xfilespro

XfilesPro is a complete document management application built for Salesforce that offers end-to-end document management solutions including doc gen, eSignature, document storage & collaboration.